General Terms and Conditions

The Law of 25.04.2018 amending the Consumer Code on Package Tours and Related Travel Services and transposing it into the national law of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25.11.2015 on package tours and related travel services, hereinafter referred to as the law, which the traveler declares to be fully aware of, imposes on the organizer or the intermediary who sells or offers for sale the package tours prepared by the organizer , various obligations, in particular information obligations, and regulates/changes other areas such as, among other things, the right to assign and terminate the package travel contract, the possibility to change certain clauses of the package travel contract, as well as the liability for the implementation of the package tour. Some provisions of the law, which was included in the Consumer Code (Articles L. 225-1 to L. 225-23), were copied identically and are then printed in italics. The acknowledgements of the traveler, the changes and deviations from the law that have been accepted by the traveler, as well as the mandatory information required by law are printed in bold.

1. Scope of application

In accordance with Article L. 225-1 of the Consumer Code, these general terms and conditions apply to package tours offered for sale by traders or sold to travelers, as well as to related travel services facilitated by traders for travelers, and do not apply to :

  1. Package tours and related travel services that cover a period of less than 24 hours, unless an overnight stay is included
  2. Package tours and related facilitated travel services, which are offered only occasionally and not for commercial purposes and are aimed only at a limited group of travelers
  3. Package tours and related facilitated travel services, which are offered only occasionally and not for commercial purposes and are aimed only at a limited group of travelers

2. Pre-contractual and contractual information

The new chapter 5 entitled "Package tours and related travel services" of the Consumer Code is defined in section 2 entitled "Information obligations and content of the package travel contract" (Articles L. 225-3 to L. 225-6 of the Consumer Code):

Subsection 1- Pre-contractual information


Art. L. 225-3.


(1) The organizer, as well as the intermediary, if the package tours are sold through an intermediary, shall, before being bound by a package tour contract or a corresponding offer, provide the traveler with the information by means of the standard form established by Grand-Ducal regulation and, if they apply to the package tour, the following information:


(a) the main features of travel services :

(I) the destination(s), the itinerary and the length of stay with date and, if the accommodation is included, the number of nights included ;

(II) the means, characteristics and categories of transport, place, date and time of departure and return, duration and place of stopovers and transfer connections. If the exact time has not yet been determined, the organizer and, if necessary, the intermediary will inform the traveler about the approximate departure and return time ;

(II) the location, main characteristics and, if applicable, tourist category of the accommodation in accordance with the regulations of the destination country ;

(IV) the provided meals ;

(V) the visits, excursions or other services included in the agreed total price of the package tour ;

(VI) if it is not clear from the context whether the possible travel services are provided for the traveler as a member of a group, and, if this is the case, if possible, the approximate size of the group ;

VII) if the benefit of other tourist services to the traveler depends on effective verbal communication, the language in which these services are provided; and

(VIII) Information on whether the trip or the holiday stay is generally suitable for people with reduced mobility, and, upon request of the traveler, accurate information on whether the trip or the holiday stay meets the needs of the traveler ;


(b) the company name and the geographical address of the organizer and, if applicable, the intermediary, as well as their telephone and, if applicable, e-mail contact details ;


(c) the total price of the package tour including taxes and, if applicable, all additional costs, fees or other costs or, if these cannot be reasonably calculated before the conclusion of the contract, an indication of the type of additional costs that the traveler may still have to bear ;


(d) the methods of payment, including the amount or percentage of the price to be paid as a deposit, and the schedule for the payment of the remaining amount, or the financial collateral that the traveler must provide or provide;


(e) the minimum number of persons required to carry out the package tour and the period specified in Article L. 225-10, paragraph 3, letter a) before the start of the package tour for a possible termination of the contract in the event that this number is not reached ;


(f) general information on passport and visa requirements, including the approximate duration of visa application, as well as information on health formalities of the destination country ;


(g) an indication that the traveler may terminate the contract at any time before the start of the package tour upon payment of a reasonable cancellation fee or, if applicable, a standard cancellation fee required by the organizer in accordance with Article L. 225-10, paragraph 1,


(h) Information on compulsory or optional insurance that covers the cost of the traveler's withdrawal from the contract, or on the cost of assistance, which includes repatriation in the event of an accident, illness or death.


In the case of package travel contracts concluded by telephone, the organizer and, if necessary, the intermediary shall provide the traveler with the standard information contained in the standard information form established by Grand-Ducal Regulation, as well as the information specified in paragraph 1, letters a. to h. listed information.


(2) With regard to package holidays within the meaning of Article L. 225-2, number 2), letter b) point v) (i.e. package holidays purchased for the purpose of the same trip or the same holiday stay from different traders via connected online booking procedures, when the name of the traveler, the payment modalities and the e-mail address are passed on to one or more traders by the trader with whom the first contract is concluded and when a contract is concluded with the trader or traders no later than 24 hours after the confirmation of the booking of the first travel service), the organizer and the trader to whom the data are transmitted ensure that each of them, before the traveler is bound by a contract or a corresponding offer, provides the information listed in paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, letters a) to h), insofar as they are relevant to the travel services they offer. At the same time, the Organizer also provides the standard information by means of the standard information form established by the Grand-Ducal Regulation.


(3) The information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be presented in a clear, comprehensible and visible manner. If this information is presented in written form, it must be legible.


The traveller expressly confirms that, before being bound by a package travel contract or a corresponding offer, he has received the notification of the corresponding standard information form in a clear, understandable and visible manner, which is required by the Grand Ducal Regulation (Règlement grand-ducal du 25.04.2018 précisant les information standards à communiquer par le professionnel, conformément à l'article L. 225-3 du Code de la consommation) as well as the other pre-contractual information set out in Article 225-3 (1) above, provided that they are applicable to the package tour. In addition, he acknowledges that he has taken note of these General Terms and Conditions before concluding the package travel contract and knows that these General Terms and Conditions are part of the package travel contract. In general, the traveler acknowledges that the organizer or the intermediary who sold him the package travel contract has fulfilled all the obligations that you have under Art. 225-3 are incumbent .



Subsection 2 - Binding nature of the pre-contractual information and conclusion of the package travel contract


Art. L. 225-4.


(1) Which are provided to the traveler in accordance with Article L. 225-3, paragraph 1, subparagraph, 1 letters A., C., D., E. and G. the information provided is an integral part of the package travel contract and cannot be changed, unless the contracting parties expressly agree otherwise. Before concluding the package travel contract, the Organiser and the Agent shall notify the traveller of any changes to the pre-contractual information in a clear, comprehensible and visible manner.


(2) If the organiser and the agent have not complied with their information obligations regarding additional costs, fees or other costs in accordance with Article L. 225-3, paragraph 1, subparagraph, 1 letter c) before concluding the package travel contract, the traveller shall not bear these costs, fees or other costs.


In accordance with the option provided for in Article L-225-4 (1), the traveler expressly accepts that the conditions provided for in Article L-225-3 (1), paragraph 1, letters A., C., D., E. and G. defined information cannot be given definitively and can be changed under certain conditions, at least if the organizer Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. shall.


The Traveller acknowledges that he has been informed in a clear, comprehensible and visible manner of all changes with regard to the pre-contractual information before the conclusion of the package travel contract.


Subsection 3 - Content of the package travel contract, documents to be submitted before the start of the package tour and burden of proof


Art. L. 225-5


(1) Package travel contracts must be formulated clearly and comprehensibly. If they are in written form, they must be legible. Upon conclusion of the package travel contract or without undue delay thereafter, the organizer or the intermediary will provide the traveler with a copy or confirmation of the contract on a durable data carrier. The traveler has the right to demand a paper copy if the package travel contract was concluded in the simultaneous physical presence of the parties.


In the case of contracts concluded outside of business premises within the meaning of Article L. 222-1, paragraph 1, number 2), a copy or confirmation of the package travel contract is provided to the traveler in paper form or, with his consent, on another durable data carrier. The traveler expressly agrees that in this case the package travel contract or its confirmation can be handed over to him on a permanent data carrier other than paper.


(2) The package travel contract or its confirmation contains the entire content of the agreement, which contains all the information mentioned in Article L. 225-3, paragraph 1, subparagraph 1, letters a to h, as well as the following information:


  1. special requirements of the traveler, which the organizer has accepted ;
  2. an indication that the organizer :
    1. is responsible for the proper provision of all travel services included in the contract in accordance with Article L. 225-11; and
    2. is obliged to provide assistance to the traveler if he is in trouble, in accordance with Article L. 225-14 ;
  3. the name of the body responsible for insolvency protection and its contact details, including its geographical address, and, if applicable, the name of the competent authority designated by the Member State concerned for this purpose and its contact details ;
  4. name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and, if necessary, fax number of the local representative of the organizer, a contact point or any other body through which the traveler can quickly reach the organizer and communicate with him effectively, ask for help if the traveler is in trouble, or complain about any defects found during the implementation of the package tour ;
  5. an indication that the traveler is obliged to report any defect that he finds when carrying out the package tour in accordance with Article L. 225-11 paragraph 2 ;
  6. if minors are traveling unaccompanied by a parent or other authorized person on the basis of a package travel agreement that includes accommodation, information that makes it possible to establish direct contact with the minor or the person responsible for the minor at the minor's place of stay ;
  7. Information on the available internal complaint procedures and mechanisms for alternative dispute resolution (hereinafter referred to as "ADR") in accordance with Book IV of the Consumer Code and, if applicable, on the ADR entity to which the entrepreneur belongs, as well as on the online dispute resolution platform in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the online settlement of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No. 2006/2004 and the Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution) ;
  8. Information about the traveler's right to assign the contract to another traveler in accordance with Article L. 225-7.


(3) With regard to package holidays within the meaning of Article L. 225-2, paragraph 1, number 2, letter b), point v) (i.e. package holidays purchased for the purpose of the same trip or the same holiday stay from different traders via connected online booking procedures, if the name of the traveler, the payment modalities and the e-mail address are passed on to one or more traders by the trader with whom the first contract is concluded and a contract with this or that no later than 24 hours after the confirmation of the booking of the first travel service), the trader to whom the data will be passed on will inform the organizer about the conclusion of the contract leading to the preparation of a package tour. The trader provides him with the information he needs to fulfill his duties as an organizer.


As soon as the organizer is informed about the creation of a package tour, the organizer will provide the traveler with the information specified in paragraph 2 letters a. to h. on a durable data carrier. the mentioned information is available.)


(4) The information referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall be presented in a clear, comprehensible and visible manner.


(5) In good time before the start of the package tour, the organizer will hand over the necessary receipts, travel vouchers and tickets, information about the expected departure time and, if necessary, the registration deadline, as well as the expected times for stopovers, transfer connections and arrival to the traveler.


The traveller expressly confirms that he has received a copy or confirmation of the travel contract in accordance with Article 225-5 (1) at the time of conclusion of the contract and that he has received the documents referred to in Article L. 225-5 (2) letters a. to h. has received the above-mentioned information on a durable data carrier in a clear, understandable and visible manner.

Special requirements of the traveler, which the organizer accepts under letter a of Article L. 225-5 (2), require the written form to be valid.


In accordance with Article L. 225-5 (5), the Organizer will hand over the necessary receipts, travel vouchers and tickets to the traveler in good time before the start of the package tour, provided that the traveler has paid the entire price of the package tour.


Art. L. 225-6.


The burden of proof with regard to the fulfilment of the information obligations lies with the trader.
The traveler who has signed the package travel contract expressly confirms that these information obligations were previously made available to him in a clear, accurate and understandable manner.

3. Assignment of the package travel contract to another traveler

The traveler has the right to assign the package travel contract in accordance with Article L. 225-7 of the Consumer Protection Act to a person who fulfills all the conditions applicable to this contract, subject to a notice period, which must be notified to the organizer on a durable data carrier as soon as possible and at least seven days before the start of the package tour, and on the condition that the travel service provider(s) affected by the assignment formally accept the assignment.


The assignor of the package travel contract and the assignee are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the remaining price as well as for any additional costs, fees or other costs incurred as a result of this assignment.


These costs must not be unreasonable and must not exceed the costs actually incurred by the organiser due to the assignment of the package travel contract, but must in no case be less than € 150, at least if the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. shall.

4. Change of price

It is expressly agreed that after the conclusion of the package travel contract, the prices may be increased, provided that these increases are the direct result of a development :


  1. the price for the carriage of passengers, which is determined by the cost of fuel or other energy sources,
  2. the amount of taxes or duties on the travel services included in the contract, which are levied by a third party who is not directly involved in the implementation of the package tour, including tourist taxes, landing fees or fees for boarding and disembarking at ports and airports, or
  3. the exchange rates in connection with the package offer.

Surcharges are calculated in proportion to the changes in transport prices, taxes, fees and exchange rates mentioned above under A., B. and C. are listed.


Any price increase will be communicated to the traveler in detail on a durable data carrier no later than 20 days before the start of the package tour.


If the price increase is more than 8% of the total price of the package tour, the traveler has the right to terminate the travel contract without paying cancellation fees. The traveller's decision to accept this price increase of more than 8% or to withdraw from the package travel contract must be communicated on a durable medium as soon as possible, at least if the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., but no later than 3 working days after the traveller has received the notification of the price increase in accordance with the previous paragraph.


Since the package travel contract provides for the possibility of a price increase, the traveler at the same time has the right to a price reduction, which corresponds to any reduction of the above under a., b. and c. this corresponds to the costs mentioned, which occur after the conclusion of the contract and 20 days before the start of the package tour. In this case, the organizer has the right to deduct his actual administrative costs from the reimbursement due to the traveler.

5. Amendment of the other clauses of the package travel contract

With regard to clauses of the package travel contract other than the price, the organizer expressly reserves the right, at least if it concerns Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., to unilaterally change them before the start of the package tour, provided that these changes are minor. The organizer informs the traveler about these changes on a durable data carrier.



If, before the start of the package tour, the organizer is forced to significantly change one or more of the main features of the travel services specified in Article L. 225-3 (1), paragraph 1, letter a), or if he cannot meet the special requirements specified in Article L. 225-5 (2), paragraph 1, letter a), or if he proposes to increase the price of the package tour by more than 8%, as set out in Article 4. Above of these general terms and conditions, the traveler may, within a reasonable period specified by the organizer, but , if the organizer is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., no later than 3 working days after the proposed change:

  1. accept the proposed amendment; or
  2. terminate the contract without paying a termination fee.

If the traveler terminates the package travel contract, he can accept another package tour (replacement package), if possible of the same or higher quality, if this is offered by the organizer and, if necessary, for an additional fee to be accepted by the traveler.


The organizer will inform the traveler without undue delay on a durable data carrier about :

  1. Amendments in accordance with the second paragraph of this Article 5. of the General Terms and Conditions and their impact on the price of the package tour ;
  2. a reasonable period (which, at least if the organiser is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., must not exceed 3 working days) within which the traveller must inform the organiser of his decision (acceptance of the proposed amendment or termination of the package travel contract);
  3. the consequences of the traveler's failure to respond within the period specified in letter b), which, at least if the organizer has notified Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. is, consist in the fact that the contract is then automatically terminated;
  4. if applicable, the proposed replacement flat rates and their price.

6. Cancellation of the package travel contract and right of withdrawal before the start of the package tour

The traveller has the right to terminate the package travel contract at any time before the start of the package tour. If the traveler terminates the package travel contract, he must usually pay the organizer a reasonable and justified cancellation fee. As a rule, standard cancellation fees are fixed in package travel contracts, which are calculated, first of all, on the basis of the moment of cancellation of the contract before the start of the package tour, as well as the expected cost savings and income due to the re-provision of the relevant travel services. In this case, the traveler declares that he is aware of and accepts the standard cancellation costs charged by the organizer. If the organizer is the Travel Group Luxembourg s.à.R.l. unless expressly agreed otherwise, the standard cancellation/ cancellation costs are:

  • Up to 30 days before departure: 25% of the price of the package tour
  • Between 29 days and 10 days before departure: 50% of the package price
  • Between 9 days and 3 days before departure: 75% of the price of the package tour
  • Less than 3 days before departure: 100% of the package price


If the package tour includes air tickets, the cancellation/cancellation costs to be borne by the travelers in relation to these air tickets are the costs charged by the airline. The percentage of the Organizer's standard cancellation/cancellation costs will be applied to the balance of the package price (i.e. the package price minus the price of the air ticket(s)).


If the package tour includes non-refundable services (for example, hotels, shows, sporting events, concerts, sightseeing, excursions, ...), the prices for these services remain with the relevant providers and the standard percentage of the cancellation/ cancellation costs of the organizer will applied to the rest of the price (i.e. to the price of the package tour minus the prices for the non-refundable services).


The traveler must notify the organizer and/or the intermediary of the cancellation/termination in writing on a durable data carrier.


The traveller further declares that he is aware that the agent, insofar as it is a travel agency of Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. who has sold him the package tour, will then charge him an additional compensation in the amount of 10% of the cancellation / cancellation costs charged by the organizer, but at least € 50. If there are no cancellation costs or for any reason there are no standard cancellation costs, the amount of the cancellation costs to be borne by the traveler will be equal to the price of the package tour minus the cost savings and income generated by the re-provision of the travel services.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, the traveler has the right to withdraw from the package travel contract before the start of the package tour without paying a cancellation fee if extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances occur at or in the immediate vicinity of the destination that significantly impair the implementation of the package tour or the transportation of travelers to the destination. The traveler must inform the organizer and /or the intermediary on a durable data carrier about his withdrawal from the package travel contract. In this case, the traveler is entitled to a full refund of the payments made for the package tour, but not to additional compensation.


The organizer can terminate the package travel contract and refund the traveler the payments made for the package tour, but is not obliged to pay additional compensation if :


  1. the number of persons registered for the package tour is less than the prescribed minimum number, whereby the traveler declares that he knows this minimum number exactly, and the organizer notifies the traveler of the termination of the contract at the latest:
    1. 20 days before the start of the package tour for trips that last longer than 6 days;
    2. 7 days before the start of the package tour for trips with a duration of 2 to 6 days;
    3. 48 hours before the start of the package tour for trips that do not last more than 2 days;
  2. or b. the organizer is prevented from fulfilling the contract due to extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances and notifies the traveler of the termination of the contract without undue delay before the start of the package tour

7. Responsibility for the implementation of the package tour

The organizer is responsible for the provision of the travel services included in the package travel contract, regardless of whether these services must be provided by himself or by other travel service providers.


In accordance with Article L. 225-11 (2), the traveler, without undue delay and taking into account the circumstances of the individual case, informs the organizer of any non-compliance that is found in the provision of a travel service included in the package travel agreement. This is a mandatory information provided for in letter e) of Article L. 225-5 (2) of the Consumer Code. The traveller is requested to report any non-conformity of a service included in the package travel contract to the Organiser as soon as he has the opportunity to do so and can apply for appropriate assistance from the organiser in accordance with Article L. 225-14 of the Consumer Protection Act if he is in difficulty.


The traveler is entitled to a reasonable price reduction for any period in which the services provided are not in accordance with the contract, unless the lack of conformity is attributable to the traveler.


Unless the nonconformity is :


  1. attributable to the traveler ;
  2. attributable to a third party who has nothing to do with the provision of the travel services contained in the package travel contract and is unpredictable or unavoidable; or
  3. due to exceptional and unavoidable circumstances,

the traveler has the right to appropriate compensation from the organizer for all damages he has suffered due to the non-conformity of the services provided.


Article L. 225-12(4) of the Consumer Code provides : To the extent that international agreements binding on the European Union rewrite the conditions under which compensation is owed by a provider providing a travel service that is part of a package tour, or limit the amount of this compensation, the same restrictions also apply to the organizer. In other cases, the package travel contract may limit the compensation to be paid by the organizer, provided that this limitation does not apply to personal injury or damage caused intentionally or negligently and does not amount to less than three times the total price of the package tour. In the present case, the organizer, at least when it comes to Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. it is clear that the above restriction applies to all package travel contracts and is therefore three times the total price.


The traveler may address notifications, inquiries or complaints in connection with the implementation of the package tour to the intermediary through whom the package tour was purchased, who will forward it to the organizer without undue delay. In order not to endanger the interests of the traveler, such notifications, inquiries or complaints must be addressed to the intermediary immediately, i.e. as soon as the traveler becomes aware of the non-fulfillment or poor fulfillment of a service contained in the package travel contract.

8. Payment methods

In the event that the organizer is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., and unless otherwise agreed, the following payment methods apply:

  • A deposit of at least 30% of the travel price is due upon conclusion of the package travel contract. Otherwise, the organizer and/or intermediary may terminate the contract at the expense of the traveler, who will then have to pay the standard cancellation/cancellation fees in accordance with Article 6 of these General Terms and Conditions;
  • when issuing tickets, they must be paid in full at the conclusion of the contract;
  • the remaining amount of the travel price must be paid no later than 21 days before departure. Otherwise, the organizer and/or intermediary may terminate the contract at the expense of the traveler, who will then have to pay the standard cancellation/cancellation fees in accordance with Article 6 of these General Terms and Conditions;
  • if the package travel contract was concluded less than 21 days before the departure date, the entire travel price must be paid upon conclusion of the contract.

In the event that the organizer is not Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., the payment methods specified by the organizer, which the traveler declares that he knows and accepts, apply.


In any case, the delivery of the travel documents to the traveler may be refused as long as the traveler has not paid the entire travel price, without such a refusal relieving the traveler of his obligations, in particular his payment obligations.

9. miscellaneous

  1. air transport :

The flight times and modes of transportation mentioned are those communicated by the air carrier at the time of booking. The dates, times and places of departure and return are finalized at the latest when the travel documents are handed over. The air carrier's liability towards the passenger (delay, death, bodily injury) and towards the baggage (delay, loss, destruction) is governed by the Montreal Convention of 28 May 2009, implemented by Regulation (EC) No. 2027/97 (as amended), and by the national legislation of the member states. The amounts of compensation are subject to the limitations provided for in the Montreal Convention or in other international conventions that may be applicable.

  1. the traveler declares that he has been informed of the obligatory formalities and instructions to be observed for the smooth running of his trip, namely :
  • the possibility of taking out special insurance policies that cover cancellation/cancellation costs in the event of illness or other reasons provided for by the insurance company, as well as an assistance contract that covers repatriation costs in the event of accident or illness,
  • the entry formalities for the destination or transit country, the obligation to carry a valid passport (depending on nationality), to obtain a visa if necessary, and to undergo the required vaccinations.
  1. any possible complaint, together with the relevant supporting documents, must be received in writing by the organizer and/or intermediary within a cut-off period of 30 days from the date of the traveler's return. Notwithstanding

of which and in any case, the Traveler must inform the Organizer of any non-conformity observed in the provision of a travel service included in the package travel contract in accordance with Article 7.paragraph 2. of these General Terms and Conditions.

  1. in any case, in particular regardless of the place of residence of the traveler and regardless of the place of conclusion of the package travel contract, and at least when the organizer is Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l., the package travel contract is subject to Directive (EU) 20015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25.11.2005 on package travel and travel services, as transposed into Luxembourg domestic law by the above-mentioned Law of 25.4.2018 (Articles L. 225-1 to L. 225-23).
  2. if any clause of the package travel contract or its general terms and conditions, which are part of the contract, is declared invalid for any reason, the rest of the package travel contract with its general terms and conditions shall remain in force.
  3. in the event of a dispute, the courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall have exclusive jurisdiction. However, the Traveler may have recourse to mediation by a commission called the "Commission Luxembourgeoise des Litiges de Voyages", established to find out-of-court solutions in travel matters, with its registered office at L-1274 Howald, 55, rue des Bruyères [Tel.: (+352) 49 60 22 - 205, e-mail: ;
  4. Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l.'s mandatory financial guarantor is the Fonds de Garantie Voyages Luxembourgeois, société coopérative, established in L-1615 Luxembourg, 7 rue Alcide de Gasperi, tel. (+352) 439 444 700, e-mail address: . The repatriation service provider is the Union Luxembourgeoise des Agences de Voyages (ULAV), L-1615 Luxembourg, 7 rue Alcide de Gasperi, tel. (+352) 439 444 700, e-mail: . Travelers may contact these organizations or, if necessary, the competent authority (Ministère de l'Economie, 19-21 boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, tel. (+352) 247 74 700, e-mail: if they are denied services due to the insolvency of Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l..
  5. the traveler who concludes the package travel contract confirms that he acts both for himself and on behalf of the other persons participating in the package tour in question. He/she confirms that he/she has provided the organizer and/or intermediary with all the information necessary for the smooth running of the trip, including information about the other persons on whose behalf he/she has concluded the package travel contract, so that the organizer and/or intermediary shall not be liable for any inconvenience or problems resulting from omissions or errors on his/her part. If the traveler provides false information that causes additional costs to the organizer and/or intermediary, these costs may be charged to him.
  6. the traveler agrees to the transmission of the data existing in the concluded package travel contract for the purpose of its implementation and assures that he/she has obtained the consent of the other travelers for the same purposes. All personal data collected will be treated in accordance with the applicable legal provisions on data protection. Each traveler has the right to access their personal data free of charge and to correct it if it is inaccurate. Further information:
  7. if the organizer is not Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. and Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. acts only as an intermediary selling the package tour of an organizer, the traveler acknowledges that he knows and accepts the general terms and conditions of this organizer, in particular the conditions and costs for cancellation of the package tour contract in case of cancellation by the traveler.
  8. the Traveler is informed that Travel Group Luxembourg s.à r.l. operates under the trademarks WE LOVE TO TRAVEL and EMILE WEBER and that it is a company under Luxembourg law with its registered office in Luxembourg L-2350, 1a rue Jean Piret, registered in the RCS Luxembourg under number B 254425 (VAT number LU 33 031 940).