A land full of surprises, sounds, colors and flavors.
Pulsierende Metropolen, verträumte Dörfer, unendliche Wüsten, schneebedeckte Berge und dichter Dschungel - kaum ein anderes südamerikanisches Land bietet so viele unterschiedliche Facetten. Genießen Sie grandiose Aussichten auf den Pazifik und die Anden, entdecken die geheimnisvolle Inkastadt Machu Picchu in den Anden, die aufregende Millionenmetropole Lima und die zahlreichen Weltkulturerbe in Cusco wie das „Heilige Tal der Inka” und freuen Sie sich auf spektakuläre Naturschönheiten wie den Colca Canyon und den Titicacasee.
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South America - Peru
Inca Discovery
Peru is a country in South America that is home to part of the Amazon rainforest and Machu Picchu, an ancient Inca city high in the Andes. The region around Machu Picchu, including the Sacred Valley, the Inca Trail and the colonial city of Cusco, is rich in archaeological sites. On Peru's arid...
South America - Peru
Archaeological Wonders of Northern Peru
Peru... a country of contrasts and diversity. From the desert coast to the depths of the Amazon forest, through the majestic Andes whose peaks are among the highest on the continent, Peru will always surprise you. Get to know the people who have preserved their ancient traditions, the heritage of...
South America - Peru
Inca Trail
The ancient Inca Trail in Peru is one of the country's most revered, but also most challenging hikes to complete. Are you up for the challenge? This five-day tour takes you from Cusco to the breathtaking site of Machu Picchu, passing Inca ruins, breathtaking mountain vistas and raging rivers...
South America - Peru
Mystical Charm of Peru
The attractions of Peru go far beyond the mystical allure of the sacred archaeological site of Machu Picchu. On your journey, discover a fantastic landscape of deserts, barren high mountains, glaciated Andean giants, roaring rivers, fertile valleys, and vast virgin forests, as well as the storied...